Sunday 19 December 2010

Snow, snow, go away!

So, the bloody snow arrived. We were all expecting it because the weather reports had been going on for days, but still we all panic and can't cope!
I do my shopping online now because i got fed up with all the 'extras' my 2 year old kept putting in my shopping trolley when we went to the supermarket. My shopping was due to be delivered on Saturday between 10-12 but they called to say they'd be here but couldn't say what time. The amount of panic i felt thinking my shopping wouldn't get here even though i'm sure i have plenty in the cupboards to keep the street fed for a week! It's just that when everyone around you is panic buying and worrying about everything, you can't help but panic and worry too. I wish i wasn't so impressionable! Anyway, shopping arrived fine and now have enough to feed our street and the next one along lol.
I can't understand why our country comes to a standstill when it snows and yet other countries get it so much worse than us and still manage to get to work - let alone actually survive! I was driving on Friday when the snow started. As soon as the other drivers saw the white stuff falling from the sky they slammed on their brakes and from then on we were in first gear all the way home!! It is all just a ridiculous exaggeration. The slower we went, the more chance the snow had of settling on the road and the longer it took us to get home!! I was not impressed. I had a toddler and a baby on board. Both of whom love the car as long as we are going more than about 20mph. Any slower than that and they start moaning/crying/screaming. It's Sunday evening now and i am only just getting over the trauma and headache of the journey!
Decided that i have so much going on in my head that it might be worthwhile starting a blog. That way my mind might become clearer. We'll see how it goes!

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